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How to Make The Most of Your Nadcap Accreditation
Achieving Nadcap accreditation is a major accomplishment. Success may require months of preparation and hard work prior to the actual audit. Consequently, many Nadcap Auditees wish to make the most of their Nadcap accreditation(s) from a business development perspective.
The most recent survey for which data is available indicated some noteworthy business development results highlighted below:
The previous section referred frequently to the “Mark of Conformity”. It is a version of the Nadcap logo that accredited companies are authorized to utilize and includes the word “Accredited”.
Proper use of the Mark of Conformity is described in the document called “sfrm48 – Use of a Mark of Conformity”. This form is available in eAuditNet, under Resources / Documents / Procedures and Forms / Nadcap Forms / s forms as shown.
One of the crucial elements of using the Mark of Conformity correctly is that Nadcap accredited companies must ensure that the commodity/commodities for which your company is accredited are detailed as well – example for a Welding accredited company below. The Mark of Conformity should not appear alone. Ultimately, the aim is to understand a company’s accredited status at first glance and avoid any confusion. It is important to note that it is the Auditee’s responsibility to ensure that “no confusion arises about the scope of accreditation”.
Accredited companies can use the Mark of Conformity in many ways, such as company letterhead, social media company profile, company’s website, business cards, flyers, mailings/e-mailings, online and offline advertisements, promotional materials, and many more. The documents referred to in this article have been developed in the interest of making the promotion of a Nadcap accreditation easier to all Nadcap accredited companies. Any feedback on how to improve them is welcome, as well as any suggestions to develop new materials. You can contact us at NadcapSSC@p-r-i.org or find our contact details on our website. Any Supplier who would like to become an SSC member is also encouraged to contact us.

- 93% of Nadcap Suppliers confirmed Nadcap accreditation has added value
- 77% also confirmed they won new customers and/or projects after becoming Nadcap accredited
- 66% saw increased revenue after becoming Nadcap accredited
Press Release Templates
Spreading the word that a company received a Nadcap accreditation is crucial. One way to do this is by writing and sending a press release. However, not all Suppliers have the resources to do this. To make the effort to promote accreditation easier, we have developed pre-approved press release templates for both initial Nadcap Accreditation and Nadcap Merit Status. These templates include quotes from the Director, Nadcap Program & Aerospace Operations, Scott Klavon. It means there is no need for an Auditee to get PRI’s approval before using and sending out a press release using these templates. Both templates can be found on the PRI website under Resources as shown.
Nadcap Business Development Tool
The Nadcap Business Development Tool can be considered as one of the most useful and helpful tools to help Nadcap Suppliers make the most of their Nadcap accreditation. It is available on www.p-r-i.org under Resources, filtered by “Nadcap” and “Guides/Tutorials”. This guide contains an entire section focused on the benefits of promoting your association with Nadcap. One of the items is about raising the profile of your company to industry stakeholders. Effectively publicizing the accreditation may improve your company’s positioning in the marketplace as one which is committed to delivering highest standards. Ultimately, this might lead to generating opportunities for new business. Some of the promotional actions worth considering are listed below – details are available within the Nadcap Business Development, section 4.0:- Events: participation in the regional Nadcap symposia around the world is a great way to get exposure to your local aerospace and defense community; customer seminar, site tour, industry events, and exhibitions are options too
- Media relations: interviews and press releases (templates mentioned in section one of this article are examples), feature articles
- Digital: using the Nadcap Mark of Conformity – more on this later in this article – on your company’s website, posting your certificate(s) to your website, online directories
- Social media: posting a news item on your company website to announce the recently gained Nadcap accreditation, or including the Nadcap Mark of Conformity on your LinkedIn background photo for instance
- Direct/print: include the Nadcap Mark of Conformity to staff business cards, display hard copies of your Nadcap certificate(s) in your company’s meeting room(s), customer notification via post/newsletters, request your Nadcap flag by emailing PRINadcap@p-r-i.org
Nadcap Mark of Conformity – How to Use it

Accredited companies can use the Mark of Conformity in many ways, such as company letterhead, social media company profile, company’s website, business cards, flyers, mailings/e-mailings, online and offline advertisements, promotional materials, and many more. The documents referred to in this article have been developed in the interest of making the promotion of a Nadcap accreditation easier to all Nadcap accredited companies. Any feedback on how to improve them is welcome, as well as any suggestions to develop new materials. You can contact us at NadcapSSC@p-r-i.org or find our contact details on our website. Any Supplier who would like to become an SSC member is also encouraged to contact us.