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Nonconformance Appeal
If appealing a nonconformance, the Client must alert the assigned Account Specialist within 20 calendar days of the closing meeting of their audit. In the case of a Client with multiples sites, the notice of appeal must be made within 20 calendar days of the nonconformance being issued. Once the notice has been received, the Account Specialist shall provide the client a Nonconformance Appeal Form (RF-139), where the Client shall document the reason(s) for the appeal. PRI Registrar’s technical manager shall review the appeal, and conduct an investigation to determine the validity of the appeal. If the technical manager was involved in the audit, another impartial registration-decision maker will be selected to conduct the investigation. Within 7 calendar days, the technical manager (or alternate) shall provide the Client with a decision on accepting or denying the appeal of the nonconformance.
如果对某一不符合提出申诉,客户必须在审核末次会议结束后的20个日历天内告知为对其负责的项目专员。如客户有多个场所,则必须在提出不符合之日起20个日历天内发出申诉通知。在收到通知后,项目专员应向客户提供“不符合申诉表格”(RF-139),由客户在表格中记录申诉原因。PRI Registrar的技术经理将评审申诉并进行调查,以确定申诉的有效性。如果技术经理参与了审核,应选择其他公正的认证决定人员进行调查。技术经理(或候选人员)应在七(7)个日历天内告知客户是否接受或拒绝不符合申诉。
If the Client disagrees with the outcome of the appeal decision, then they may choose to request an additional review by a different, impartial decision-maker; at this point, a $500 fee would be required. A third review, conducted by a sub-committee of PRI Registrar’s Advisory Panel, may also be requested at no further cost. The decision of the Advisory Panel sub-committee shall be considered final.
如果客户不同意申诉决议的结果,可选择要求另一位公正的认证决定人员进一步进行评审;在这一阶段,客户需要支付500美元。客户也可请求由PRI Registrar顾问组的某一下属委员会进行第三级评审且无需进一步支付费用。顾问组下属委员会做出的决定应视为最终决定。
NOTE: The timelines for nonconformance response remain in effect during the appeal process. Failure to meet the response deadlines shall still result in suspension, unless a decision to accept the appeal is issued prior to response due date.